
Call Now+91 9368053966

Our LocationDelhi Darwaza, Sambhal, UP(243302)

About Us

Human capital constitutes the real wealth of our nation. To build the best future for coming generations
our goal is to empower Indian?s younger generation with the best education to succeed and rapidly
changing world.
SJPS is recognized by the Uttar Pradesh Board English Medium Co-educational School situated in
the heart of Sambhal. SJPS is creating opportunities to develop communities and unleashing individuals
power. We enable society to progress in literature, culture, business, science and technology through establishing
incubators and encouraging esteemed institutions to provide an attractive and stimulating environment.

Our Vision

SJPS seeks to empowers the next generation of children?s, leaders, thinkers, and innovators through cutting-edge career-focused educational experiences. Led by the highest-quality faculty and engage and develop a generation of creative innovators who will chart their own unique paths in serving and leading society.

Our Curriculum

The SJPS curriculum is inspired by the Uttar Pradesh English Medium Board Curriculum - one of the highest quality national education programs whose philosophy and methodology is anchored in progressive pedagogy. It takes the best elements of this framework and builds on them by connecting SJPS resources and high-quality specialists to enrich the experiences of students. When students are given the opportunity to collaborate with the best in class experts it widens their horizon allowing their cognitive abilities to enhance. SJPS will continue to perfect its curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of the children who will be India's leaders of tomorrow. As the school develops, the curriculum will become an authentic curriculum like nowhere else in the province, one with a framework optimized for the country?s particular context as well as that of the students. With low teacher to student ratios, SJPS unique curriculum will continue to allow students to explore their passions and interests by blending a cutting-edge pedagogical approach with opportunities for each student have access to world class resources which is guided by teachers who understand the student?s strengths and areas for development.